Post by jiangjaing on Nov 6, 2018 12:15:41 GMT
Hi, Thanks for taking time to explain everything for me. I created a Oem schema for my Oem extension URI, does it also need to expose in "/redfish/v1/$metada" resource? If yes, would you provide a example of how to reference a OEM extension? [example response of my Oem extension URI] { "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata# OemTest/$entity", "@odata.type": "# OemTest.v1_0_0.OemTest" "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/ OemTest", ... Customize properties... } [for the item : edmx:Reference, does it mean I need to establish a server(http://contoso.org/Schema) like DMTF Schemas(https://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/) to list supporting schema files ? ]<edmx:Reference Uri=" contoso.org/Schema/OemTest.xml"> <edmx:Include Namespace="OemTest"/> </edmx:Reference>
Post by mraineri on Nov 6, 2018 18:31:59 GMT
Yes, you will need to expose your OEM schema via the $metadata document. In addition to including the "OemTest" namespace, you will also need to include the "OemTest.v1_0_0" namespace. The general rule to apply is any namespace referenced by @odata.context and @odata.type needs to be included in $metadata. Some of these things (and others) are outlined in the Redfish and OData White Paper: www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP2052_1.0.0.pdf (section 5).