Post by sunnysriavstava on Mar 2, 2021 8:17:29 GMT
Hi, reference: redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Assembly.v1_3_0.jsonUnder the above mentioned schema, property assemblies under assembly is an array of AssemblyData which is of type object. Once I have filled the array with multiple assemblies, I need to control LED around one of them. Is there a way by which I can patch individual item in that array of object? Thanks, Sunny Srivastava
Post by mraineri on Mar 2, 2021 13:31:57 GMT
There's a clause in the spec titled "PATCH on array properties" that describes these semantics.
In the request body, you provide the array with an empty JSON object for each array index you want left unchanged. So, if you want to PATCH the "LocationIndicatorActive" property in the third array index, it would look like this:
{ "Assemblies": [ {}, {}, { "LocationIndicatorActive": true } ] }