Post by trindenau on Oct 1, 2023 14:58:05 GMT
Hi, I’m working with SEL events on opnbmc and I can’t see the SEL’s under /LogServices/SEL/Entries only under /LogServices/EventLog/Entries.
I think the cause is we don’t have a message property in our SEL dbus entity and the description of the event is in the AdditionalData property.
My questions are:
1. Can the Redfish SEL parses a RedFish SEL entry only from the additional data (like the LogService)? 2. Dose the SEL dbus entity have to have a message property for RedFish?
Thanks a lot
Post by mraineri on Oct 1, 2023 21:58:49 GMT
Redfish does natively support "SEL" types of log entries, so there's no need to use the additional data construct. So, if a given LogEntry resource uses "SEL" for "EntryType", then "EntryCode", "SensorType", "SensorNumber", "Message", "MessageId", and "GeneratorId" contains the SEL event data for the entry.
{ "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/437XR1138R2/LogServices/Log1/Entries/1", "@odata.type": "#LogEntry.v1_15_1.LogEntry", "Id": "1", "Name": "Log Entry 1", "EntryType": "SEL", "Severity": "Critical", "Created": "2012-03-07T14:44:00Z", "EntryCode": "Upper Critical - going high", "SensorType": "Temperature", "SensorNumber": 1, "Message": "Temperature threshold exceeded", "MessageId": "0x592A28", "GeneratorId": "0x0020", "Links": { "OriginOfCondition": { "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1U/Thermal" } } } In terms of how you map things in your BMC, that's entirely up to you. Redfish defines the external interface and not how you store the data inside your service.